
Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Why Let Children Watch Disney Movies

Children love to watch TV. For them, what they see on the TV monitor is one of their ultimate forms of entertainment. However, not all programs are suited for the development of children. This is the reason why many experts suggest that parents should carefully choose what their kids are watching. This is to ensure that they are getting something valuable from it like what Disney movies give.

Since it was established, Walt Disney Company or simply called ‘Disney’ has always been a choice for parents and teachers when it comes to providing entertainment to young children. This is because Disney has made its mark in creating movies that are meant to instill positive values among children.

The power of movies

In this day and age where kids are preoccupied by modern gadgets, it is very important for parents to make and effort to ensure that their children will learn something valuable. For parents and teachers who want to teach children about good values, they should be more creative in finding ways how to do it.

Experts agree that one of the best ways that you can teach a child something is when you do it his or her way. Since you will be dealing with young kids, there will be resistance if you would plainly tell him or her about what is wrong and what is right.

These days, many parents and teachers don’t realize the power of movies in their kids. If you want kids to learn so many things, you should allow them to watch Disney movies. Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers should let young kinds watch Disney movies:

1. It fosters imagination. All Disney movies are made to make its viewers imagine things that are beyond the usual. One good movie that would foster kids’ imagination is “Aladdin” who is a young lad who fell in love with a princess named Jasmine. However, they can never be married because the princess should only marry a prince. But everything turned out well when a genie came into the picture and granted Aladdin three wishes. It’s a good movie to makes kids imagine because it features entertaining characters such as the flying carpet.

2. It fuels the drive to dream and go after that dream. For children, dreaming is innate. But as they grow older, they tend to forget how to hold on to their dreams. To instill the value of having a dream and how to go after it, you can let them watch Disney movies about the power of dreaming such as “Up.” Released in 2009, the movie tells a story of Carl Fredricksen who had enough courage to go after his dream despite old age and lack of resources.

3. It instills that value of kindness. Although kindness is something innate, children sometimes don’t develop it because of so many factors such as proper guidance from the parents and influence of other kids. To help him or her develop this attitude, you can let him watch Disney movies that tell about genuine kindness such as “Mary Poppins” which is a story of a nanny who uses magic to transform ordinary lives into something extraordinary through kindness.

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