
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

New Rules for Donating your Car to Charity

In prior years, if you wanted to donate your car or other vehicle to a charity, it was easy.  All it took was to select the charity, give them a call and they would pick it up and the ownership documentation.  This part is still easy and many charities advertise how easy this part is for you.  If you want to claim a tax deduction for that car donation however, the tax rules have changed a little.

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In prior years, if you wanted to donate your car or other vehicle to a charity, it was easy.  All it took was to select the charity, give them a call and they would pick it up and the ownership documentation.  This part is still easy and many charities advertise how easy this part is for you.

If you want to claim a tax deduction for that car donation however, the tax rules have changed a little.  The reason for the changes were because people were over-estimating the value of vehicles then taking the higher amount off on their income taxes.

First, to even qualify for this tax deduction, you need to be itemizing deductions on your income tax.  This effectively eliminates everyone using a 1040 short form, or 1040EZ or those who don't itemize.  Further charitable deduction cannot be greater than 50% of your total income.  I don't quite understand why this matters to the government but it's in the rules.  Further, the amount you can deduct for the contribution depends on what the charity does with vehicle donations.  Check the IRS resource publication 4303 at for more information and details.  Now is a good time to state that I am not a tax attorney, accountant or make my living working with the tax code.  For more specific information on donating you car to charity or other related questions, I suggest contacting a local tax professional.

A 500 dollar deduction is the threshold for increased paperwork requirements.  If however your charitable gift is worth over the 500 dollar limit, you need acknowledgement documentation from the charity.  This is typically given to you when they pick up the vehicle.  This document must have the following information for you to claim any amount over the 500 dollar basic deduction.

1.  Your name and Taxpayer ID [usually your social security number]
2.  The vehicle Identification numbers
3.  Date of contribution
4.  An any one of these pieces of information.  a) statement that no goods or services were received for the gift. OR b) a description and good faith estimate of anything received by the donor.

There are a few other details that should be included but this is the basic outline required.

The IRS also limits the value of the deduction to what the charity actually received from selling the vehicle.  Generally however, you can use fair market value if certain rules are followed and you obtain a statement made by the charity regarding their plans for the vehicle. You may also be required to obtain written acknowledgement from the charity within 30 days from the date of the vehicles sale or 30 days from the date of donation.

So the value of the deduction is based on what the charity actually sold the vehicle for on the open market.  Other rules apply if they decide to keep it but generally most charities of any size take their donated cars and simply sell them on the market.  This means that if you donate your car to charity and it has a resale value of 5,000 dollars, you simply cannot legally take a 5,000 dollar deduction unless the charity actually sells the car for that amount, or is subject to the other rules.

If the charity sells your car for 400 dollars, even though it was worth 5,000, your legal deduction is only 400 dollars.

Finally, to make things even more complicated, the value of the vehicle cannot be more than the fair market value.  The IRS publication noted above has specific explanations about how to determine value.  I personally have simply sold the car and made a cash donation to he charity of my choice.  Yes, it takes a little longer but I didn't need to count on anyone else to provide the necessary documentation and there was no question about the value of the donation or deduction.

Nascar Races: Hot Tips to Car Racing

Read here an introductory guide about the inner workings of auto racing and the NASCAR teams and circuit in particular.

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What to Look For While Betting on NASCAR

Auto racing such as Formula One and other races such as the Indy 2000 are big hits internationally. Millions of fans crowd stadiums to watch the different cars race by. The screech of burning tires as they spin by you is an experience that very few forget.

NASCAR is one of the largest racing organizations in the USA.  With millions of fans around the country, and some of the most expensive race cars and teams put together you can see how NASCAR and betting go together like peas in a pod. But today we are going to talk about the teams crews.

The great thing about NASCAR is that it is an individual sport and a team sport at the same time.  So when we start talking about sports betting, or race betting, the options that we have are spread out and full of potential, although we are going to focus on the teams part today.

Now on any given day a NASCAR driver can come back from last place and win a long and tough race.  Certain things must happen for a gambler to win his bet just like certain things must happen for a circumstance like this to take place.  This is where the team comes into play.

Sports betting and betting on NASCAR is and around the clock job; the teams mechanics are working on the cars days in a row to get ready for the start time, changing fuel capacities, and tuning up the engines due to weather conditions as well as fitting the correct tires to the surface.  A teams crew can make all the difference on race day whether that driver will win or lose.  If the car is not running at full capacity due to some over looked object that needed tweaking, the driver may lose serious horsepower from his engine and lose valuable seconds here and there on the track.

Now again in NASCAR there is so much telemetry and science that go into these cars; that the teams will drive a car all the way to the finish line burning off fumes to maybe win the race, or have the race blown because the car ran out of fuel after the last turn.  The amount of gas they carry in the car determines weight, how fast the car will move under certain conditions and for how long the car will travel without needing to refuel.

This is what can make betting on NASCAR races so interesting is the amount of variables and how they change minutely due to a change in air temperature or how the sun is beating down upon the asphalt or what wind speeds from which direction.

I hope that this article helps you understand better the ins and outs of car racing in general and NASCAR races in particular. If you are not a fan, try and visit one of the tracks while a race is in progress. It will astound you. If you wish to learn more about auto racing or about the NASCAR race circuit visit and have a ball.

Medicare, Social Security and Retirement

Everything keeps changing, how do I keep up?  Why is there so many choices?  This is common question and concerns of most seniors today.  The cost of health and prescriptions is higher today for seniors, averaging over $500.00 a month.

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Everything keeps changing, how do I keep up?  Why is there so many choices?  This is common question and concerns of most seniors today.  The cost of health and prescriptions is higher today for seniors, averaging over $500.00 a month.

With fixed incomes, a comfortable retirement seems to be slipping away.
Retirement is re defining itself.  The days of a lifetime pension and 401ks are being wiped out.  You must think and live different than our Mothers and Fathers did before us.  The nest egg is under attack with high health rates, limited 401k's and lack of pension plans from former employment.  Some day Social Security may not be available.  What are we to do?

Washington State - 12/29/2005 - Medicare, Social Security and Retirement
Today a person coming to retirement must study and understand their future goals.  A plan must be in place.  Some may have to work part time to assist their retirement funds, and some maybe able to live from rare pension plans and investments.  Education is the key.  Classes, Seminars and home study is available and necessary.

Here are a few items to cover:
- How do the changes for 2006 affect me?
- What do you need to understand about the new Medicare plans.
- How do I plan for retirement.
- Can you plan on your pension?

Business Subjects That affect Retirement:
- How do I manage my portfolio.
- What investment should you consider?
- What do you need to know about Social Security and Medicare.

Donald Trump has proven to be a household name to us for his accomplishments.  Many folks down play his forwardness and horn blowing ways, but he always seems to be on top.  Mr. Trump is someone to watch, learn and understand.

There is a few sites provided for you to understand Social Security, Medicare and Retirement better, at , and .
You can also email  with any of your questions.

Mami joue au poker

C'est l'histoire d'une grand mère. La voisine à ma soeur a Thionville.

C'est la triste histoire d'une grand mère qui est devenue.Elle a soixante dix ans et sa fille unique est partie habiter au Canada. Ses deux autres fils quant à eux ont ouvert une entreprise d'album de coloriages au Brésil.Puis son mari est mort il y a un an de cela. Il est mort d'un cancer de poumons.

Apres la mort du père, ses enfants qui sont venus de l'étranger a cause du décès du père, ont décide de lui offrir un ordinateur afin de combler sa solitude. Les pauvres amis de la grand mère sont très « vieillots » mais mami julienne quant a elle rêverait d'avoir un cercle d'amis de son style. En vain. Elle n'en a pas. Alors voila Marco, Remi et marie ont pense qu'un ordinateur, ferait le plus grand bien a leur chère mère.

Au début, elle n'y comprenait rien. Puis peu a peu, après quelques cours de base gentiment donnes par  Mathilde (la fille de ma sœur), elle apprit tous les secrets du net.  A ce jour elle tape même des thèses d'université à des étudiants qui n'ont pas trop le temps a passer des heures devant l'ordinateur.

Mami Julienne, elle est geniale. Elle cuisine génialement bien. Mais le problème c'est qu'a part les quelques étudiants qui viennent chercher leurs dossier tapes, mami Julienne ne sait pas quoi faire de cette nourriture. Elle languit son mari. Elle parle de lui tout le temps. Elle languit ses enfants. Elle languit ses neveux. Elle se sent seule. Très seule.

L'ordinateur lui fait du bien mais elle est attristee à chaque fois de nouveau car son mail est vide. Ses enfants n'ont pas le temps de lui écrire des mails. Alors à part un petit coucou électronique de temps en temps son mail est vide.

Elle se sent seule. Elle se sent abandonnee.

Lundi matin, sept heures du matin. Comme a son habitude mami est sur le net a vérifier en vain si quelqu un a daigne penser a elle et lui envoyer un petit courier. En vain. Rien que du spam. Alors elle les ouvre. Et la, soudainement elle découvre une invitation a jouer au poker sur le net !

Mami a toujours adore le poker. Elle se souvient encore de ces jours ou elle jouait durant des heures avec ses amis au Café de la Cigale. Mami gagnait très souvent les parties de poker.

En découvrant la possibilité de jouer au poker en ligne sans avoir besoin de partenaires vivant. Mami sauta presque au plafond. Enfin une activité qu'elle aime tant et qui va l'occuper.

Mami est sure de ses coups. Elle va augmenter l'héritage de ses enfants puisque c'est sure elle va gagner tout le temps.

A ce jour, si tu vas chez mami,au 9 rue des Eclairs a Thionville,tu y trouveras la petite et vielle et menue Julienne assise devant son ordinateur en train de jouer avec excitation. Elle ne gagne pas tout le temps comme elle le pensait mais le jeu est sans l'ombre d'un doute devenu son meilleur ami.

Mami ne se plaint plus. Mami ne verifie meme plus ses mails. Elle ne languit plus ses enfants. Elle ne languit plus personne d'ailleurs. Mami est devenue accro aux  jeu de poker  . Mami est devenue joueuse compulsive.

Article Body:
C'est la triste histoire d'une grand mère qui est devenue.Elle a soixante dix ans et sa fille unique est partie habiter au Canada. Ses deux autres fils quant à eux ont ouvert une entreprise d'album de coloriages au Brésil.Puis son mari est mort il y a un an de cela. Il est mort d'un cancer de poumons.

Apres la mort du père, ses enfants qui sont venus de l'étranger a cause du décès du père, ont décide de lui offrir un ordinateur afin de combler sa solitude. Les pauvres amis de la grand mère sont très « vieillots » mais mami julienne quant a elle rêverait d'avoir un cercle d'amis de son style. En vain. Elle n'en a pas. Alors voila Marco, Remi et marie ont pense qu'un ordinateur, ferait le plus grand bien a leur chère mère.

Au début, elle n'y comprenait rien. Puis peu a peu, après quelques cours de base gentiment donnes par  Mathilde (la fille de ma sœur), elle apprit tous les secrets du net.  A ce jour elle tape même des thèses d'université à des étudiants qui n'ont pas trop le temps a passer des heures devant l'ordinateur.

Mami Julienne, elle est geniale. Elle cuisine génialement bien. Mais le problème c'est qu'a part les quelques étudiants qui viennent chercher leurs dossier tapes, mami Julienne ne sait pas quoi faire de cette nourriture. Elle languit son mari. Elle parle de lui tout le temps. Elle languit ses enfants. Elle languit ses neveux. Elle se sent seule. Très seule.

L'ordinateur lui fait du bien mais elle est attristee à chaque fois de nouveau car son mail est vide. Ses enfants n'ont pas le temps de lui écrire des mails. Alors à part un petit coucou électronique de temps en temps son mail est vide.

Elle se sent seule. Elle se sent abandonnee.

Lundi matin, sept heures du matin. Comme a son habitude mami est sur le net a vérifier en vain si quelqu un a daigne penser a elle et lui envoyer un petit courier. En vain. Rien que du spam. Alors elle les ouvre. Et la, soudainement elle découvre une invitation a jouer au poker sur le net !

Mami a toujours adore le poker. Elle se souvient encore de ces jours ou elle jouait durant des heures avec ses amis au Café de la Cigale. Mami gagnait très souvent les parties de poker.

En découvrant la possibilité de jouer au poker en ligne sans avoir besoin de partenaires vivant. Mami sauta presque au plafond. Enfin une activité qu'elle aime tant et qui va l'occuper.

Mami est sure de ses coups. Elle va augmenter l'héritage de ses enfants puisque c'est sure elle va gagner tout le temps.

A ce jour, si tu vas chez mami,au 9 rue des Eclairs a Thionville,tu y trouveras la petite et vielle et menue Julienne assise devant son ordinateur en train de jouer avec excitation. Elle ne gagne pas tout le temps comme elle le pensait mais le jeu est sans l'ombre d'un doute devenu son meilleur ami.

Mami ne se plaint plus. Mami ne verifie meme plus ses mails. Elle ne languit plus ses enfants. Elle ne languit plus personne d'ailleurs. Mami est devenue accro aux  jeu de poker  . Mami est devenue joueuse compulsive.

Loyalty Cards – Think Again!

Are credit card loyalty schemes worth the plastic they’re printed on? According to a recent study by moneysavingexpert .com the answer is a resounding “NO”. The study investigated 80 reward schemes and was especially unimpressed by Tesco’s Clubcard, Nectar and Airmiles. With the average value of each Tesco Clubcard point being worth from 1 to 4 pence, a Nectar point being worth 0.54 pence and an Airmile being valued at 7.9 pence, their reaction is hardly surprising.

In act...

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Are credit card loyalty schemes worth the plastic they’re printed on? According to a recent study by moneysavingexpert .com the answer is a resounding “NO”. The study investigated 80 reward schemes and was especially unimpressed by Tesco’s Clubcard, Nectar and Airmiles. With the average value of each Tesco Clubcard point being worth from 1 to 4 pence, a Nectar point being worth 0.54 pence and an Airmile being valued at 7.9 pence, their reaction is hardly surprising.

In actual fact, an expenditure of £10,000 per annum will earn a reward of £50 with Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and Asda, for instance. There is an Egg scheme which would only reward you with £10 per £10.000, although internet banks’ Egg Money Card offers a better rate, at £100. With the Nat West Black card, there is an annual charge of £250 in order to earn £51 per £10,000 of spending! Can you afford to make the saving?

There have been some very big changes in the benefits available recently. Some of the larger stores have ditched their schemes totally, whilst others have radically reduced the rewards on offer. Barclaycard is no longer linked with the Nectar scheme and Tesco has reduced the value of its scheme to new customers. Consumers don’t know where they’re up to with all the changes and this is causing a complete lack of interest in loyalty cards in general.

It appears that consumers are bewildered by the sheer number of different award schemes and it’s virtually impossible to make comparisons, due to clever marketing. The typical one per cent paid by the retailer to the credit card companies is not being returned to the customer and it’s felt that the vast majority of these reward schemes are a rip-off.

The basic idea of stores using the cards to encourage customers to remain loyal, not to mention to increase their spending power, seems sound. The points gained offer discounts on a range of goods, family days out and flights. In fact the rewards are so trivial that it is felt that it’s a far better idea to leave the reward card at home, or even better, bin it and instead use a card which offers rewards via cashback and if using it as a credit card, aim for one which gives a low interest rate.

American Express Platinum offer a 2 per cent cash back deal if you spend more than £7,500 per year, so for £10,000 spent you would be rewarded with £200.

The BAA Worldcard came out well. It pays an impressive £795 for £10,000 spent. They offer discount shopping vouchers which can be exchanged for goods, meals and drinks at BAA airports in the United Kingdom. The GM card offers car discounts. If you buy a new Vauxhall or Saab you will get a £300 discount.

The conclusion is that you’d be better off switching to a cashback type of credit card. There’s a wide choice available and maybe now is the time to make the change.